Saturday, August 10, 2013

Negativity to Motivation

Dealing with Negative Situations

Part One

Recently I have been dealing with a lot of not so great moments in my life and usually my initial reaction would be to curl up in a hole and hide away from the world for a couple weeks. But the other day I realized, that clearly wasn't working for me. Me and my boyfriend just broke up within the last two weeks, and  I thought this was going to be a hard breakup to get over, but honestly it only took me a couple of days. I took that negative moment in my life and turned it into something that could motivate me to better myself and create happier moments in my life. So far it has been a great feeling for me so I thought  I would share with you some tips of how to do this, and explain some of the things that I personally did to make Negativity become Motivation.

                   1.Positive affirmations

I know I bring these up a lot but I cannot stress enough how much these will help you stay positive and feel better. They can really change your outlook on a negative situation.
 Ex: When me and my ex boyfriend broke up, instead of saying how I was never going to find another person and how I was terrible in the relationship and all the negative things a person might say, I instead said how wonderful I was and how  I WAS going to find a person that would treat me nicely.
Task: Look in the mirror every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed and tell yourself 5 Positive affirmations. You can find them online, or even make them up yourself. At the end, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself " I love you". What's important when doing this is actually feeling what your saying, don't just say it and roll your eyes; try to mean it.
                                        2. Keeping Busy
A lot of people say that during breakups or during hard times with family and things like that, that you should hangout with friends and go do stuff. I totally agree with this and I am going to tell you why.

Ex: During my breakup I realized that I would think about it in the morning before work but right when I got to work, its like as if it never happened. Then when I got off work it was back on my mind again so instead of going home I went to hangout with friends and once again it kept my mind off of it. Each day it got easier, to the point where before work I wouldn't even think about it because I was looking forward to all the stuff I had planned to do that day
Task: Find things you absolutely LOVE to do. Things that make you happy and people that make you feel good about yourself and confident. Make a list of these things and do at least one of them a day or once a week (whichever is best for you). Do those things, especially around the time of something hard or bad. You focusing on these happy things  and keeping busy does NOT mean that you don't care about the current bad issue in your life and it doesn't NOT mean that you wont have days where it will be on your mind. But it will help you feel stronger and more in control in your situation.

                              3. Let it out

Venting is a good way to get those feelings out that you have been holding in about your negative situation. But don't go venting to every single person you know
Ex: I keep a journal where I like to write about things going on in my life, the good and the bad. this is a good place for me to vent because I don't feel judged or like my secrets will get spread and changed around from person to person.
Task: Write in a journal or talk to someone you trust very much about what's going on. Whatever is most comfortable for you and just get all of that built up stress, anger, sadness, or negativity out of your system! It will feel good, trust me. ( if you don't feel comfortable doing either, screaming in a pillow or a good cry can help. just as long as it doesn't go on for days)

                               4. Dreams and Tasks

 Everyone has things in there life that they want to accomplish. I think that during something negative, a way to get motivated and feel better is to find something that you really want to work towards, and GET STARTED. If you've always wanted to be a youtuber, start now. if you've wanted to get better at dancing, take a class.
Ex: I really want to do good in school this year so Ive been looking at all these organizational tips, focusing on ways to get better at studying and finding videos on youtube to watch that help motivate me to reach that goal.
Task: List the things that you want to do or get out of life and get started on one thing. Why not now? Its a good time to focus on something positive that you can look forward too. I recommend only doing one thing at a time because you don't want to overwhelm yourself with all these goals you want to reach.

I hope these tips help you guys feel better and a little bit more motivated to being happier through a tough situation. If you would like to see more tips please let me know! I was thinking about making a video for my youtube channel about this, would you guys like that? Love you all and be happy. You only have one life to live, so make the most of it <3

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