Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Follow your Dreams: My youtube Channel

Hey Everyone! So this isn't like the other types of posts that I usually do, this was is special because today I will be talking about my youtube channel! In December of 2012 I finally decided that after Christmas I would make a youtube channel. I had been wanting to for almost a year but was to afraid to see what people would say and how they would perceive me. One day I realized that the only reason I wasn't making a youtube video was because of everyone else. I was letting everyone else control a decision that would only better my life, so I then decided 'What the Heck! I'll do it'

Starting my first video was one of the best things I could of possibly done.  I am so happy because I can express myself, and it has helped me grow as a person and care less about what others think. Ive been working on my channel for 8 months now and am still going pretty strong. I have a very good fan base which makes me so happy because anyone who is so kind and supportive always has a place in my heart. I appreciate all the amazing and kind reactions and comments my viewers give to me.

The types of videos that  I make are all over the place. I do the makeup fashion and beauty type of videos, but I also make motivational videos where I talk about positive affirmations and how to be happier. I am not always going to make a specific type of video, I am going to make whatever I am feeling and whatever makes me and my viewers happy :) Now although this has been a lot about my channel and my expierence, what I am trying to get at is that you should do whatever makes you happy. Do not care about what others think because at the end of the day its your life, and your dreams on the line, not theres. You Only Live Once. Make the most of it.

My Youtube Channel

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